
Thursday, July 14, 2011


I would like to start by introducing myself and my children.
The first picture is my oldest Malikhi, he loves his hair and
is not as of now letting us cut it. This does not bother me as
2 of his uncles have long hair .
Then my second born is Malic, he's 4. He does not like
getting his hair combed which is why we keep it cut.
Many people may think this is easier but not really,
I am currently in the process of learning how to fade
and do designs in his hair so I can do more to it than
just a lowcut.
Then there's my princess, my only girl MaChaela she
just turned 2. Although doing her hair is a pain at times
and she fights me, she tends to love the end results,
especially if there are beads involved. Since starting to do
her hair I have learned so much more than just your basic
cornrow with designs. Thanks to the blogs I've been following
without them would probably still be struggling.
Last but not least my youngest MaCorey he is 8 months old and,
although his hair is not long enough to style yet if your like me
most of your mistakes were made on your childs head when
they were infants. Multiracial babies which nobody informed
me of are born with straight hair that changes at about a year old.
I made the mistake with my olds of using babyoil to moisturize.
I now know that this is bad for the hair and does more harm
than good.


  1. Thanks! Thats hilarious my princess always shakes her beads then says oooo I'm pretty!

  2. I'm super excited about a blog catered to boys! Following :)

  3. Hello and welcome :) your kids are just gorgeous!

  4. Thanks ladies I have too many boys not to do this lol! UHM thanks dont let the good looks fool you they are super bad!
