
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Quick Back to School styles

Back to school is here and sometimes with rushing around we don't have time to do styles that take forever I know so I am showcasing 3 very quick and easy styles. The first style is over on the right its very simple I started by parting her hair from ear to ear and placing it in 2 ponytails, then I simply did 4 braids per pony added hair accessories of her choice and went. excuse the frizz this style was a day old.

The second style is just a repost as I do keep his hair in for atleast a week very simple though it takes a little longer than the above style for girls. I started by simply parting his hair down the middle then doing 6 cornrows going straight down the side of his head took about 20-30 minutes. Also sometimes if we are in a hurry or I'm just letting his head rest from being done I will just put it into a low ponytail and braid it.
The last style I'm showcasing is also a remake just because I love this one :). I started on freshly washed and detangled hair parted a square section on the side of her head then added some cornrows the rest I left out apply curling cream of your choice put hair accessory of choice in and your done.


  1. Love the styles..really quick and simple!

  2. Ahhhh you put my favorite style in! I'm gonna link to this post from my wash and go post cuz it's my hair-spiration :)

  3. awww Goldilocks this is my fave too I'm so happy I could inspire you!

  4. Nice styles...I absolutely love the last batch of pictures. Too Cute. I am also loving your new background.

  5. way too cute :) thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks everyone! KeeKee I'm glad you like it I was looking for something that everyone would enjoy looking at as much as me :)

  7. I love this, they look so cute!!!
