
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easter Styles (super late)

Hey! It's been awhile since I've done a boy's style and for this I apologize.

On this post I will be showing our Easter styles on Malikhi and Chaela, I know it's really late but hey life happens!

Malikhi's braids are freestyled as usual I wasn't sure what I was going to do but to achieve this I parted his hair from ear to ear and braided halfway back.
the back is just small box braids this has quickly became my favorite way to do his hair it seems much quicker and he likes it.

This style actually lasted 2 weeks which was a great relief!

For Chaela's I got inspiration from a friend who posted a picture in a facebook group I would like to say thanks but honestly I can't recall who it was!


  1. I really like both these styles. I love all your "freestyles," wish I was this creative. Chaela's style is super cute as usual too.

  2. I have been searching all over for a blog that catered to boy's hair as well! I hope to learn some styles for my son as I'm not great at French braiding yet!

    1. Welcome you can also add us on facebook if you would like! I hope I can help inspire you and can't wait to see what you can do to your sons hair. as far as the braiding just keep practicing it gets better with time
